
Animal & Human Relationships

Two years ago, we deicded to add goats to our farm for milk production and also for the educational value they could bring to visitors. We started by buying two […]

Jewish Energy Guide – Renewable Energy Policy in Israel: Past and Present

By Naomi Lipstein and Dr. Alon Tal The ability to harness energy has been essential to life since the start of humanity. This ability, of course, has come in many […]

Eco Friendly Baby

If you are expecting a baby or have little ones in your home, you may be wondering how to surround your infant or toddler with products that are environmentally safe. […]

Raising the Bar With More R’s: The Mitzvah of Spring Cleaning

Spring is the season when we start to see new life after the cold, dark winter months. Many start preparing ground for growing gardens while others begin rifling through closets […]

Success on Wind Power in Maryland!

Last year, I got involved in a state level legislative campaign promoting wind power in Maryland. Working with our local Interfaith Power and Light, I had the opportunity to speak […]

Going Fossil Free and Investing Green

On the of the biggest campaigns of 350.org is its Fossil Free campaign (http://gofossilfree.org/) which seeks to have many institutions including religious one divest their holdings from 200 publically held […]

The Oppression of Animals: Is Religion the Cause … or the Remedy?

Quick now: How many vegans can you name who live in Southeastern Montana, where cattle outnumber people by a ratio of about 100-to-1? (Conservative estimate.) Think that’s tough. Try this […]

Ritual Slaughter

Blog post by Jacob Siegel, Jewish Farm School Group Leader and rabbinical student ———————————— On March 6th, we invited students on two Jewish Farm School trips in New Orleans to […]

Ritual Slaughter

Blog post by Jacob Siegel, Jewish Farm School Group Leader and rabbinical student ———————————— On March 6th, we invited students on two Jewish Farm School trips in New Orleans to […]

Imagining a Vegan World

Imagining a Vegan World

Jewish Energy Guide: The Power of Advocacy

By Rabbi Steve Gutow Inside and outside the pages of this guide, you will read and continue to read about bad things happening — to our Earth, to our fellow […]

Jewish Energy Guide: Green Your Home

Summary: David Krantz, president and chairperson of the Green Zionist Alliance, shows how easy it is to go green at home. He offers up some interesting tips to help you […]

What is ? Jewcology is a project of graduates of ROI (http://roicommunity.org), who have come together to create a resource for the entire Jewish-environmental community.  Jewcology incorporates collaboration from a wide range of Jewish environmental leaders and organizations worldwide.  This project was funded by the ROI Innovation Fund. The long-term goal of this project is to build a multi-denominational, multi-generational, regionally diverse community of Jewish environmental activists, who are learning from one another and from an expanding set of Jewish-environmental resources, how to educate their communities about our Jewish responsibility to protect the environment. We welcome sponsors, volunteers and collaboration!  To get involved, drop us a line: 

Press about Jewcology

Staffing and organizational support for this project is maintained by The Green Zionist Alliance.