We are so pleased on the progress of our solar energy project. The panels are on the roof.
Your One Vote Can Make Israel Greener
Recently, I’ve been more focused on teaching my baby to crawl than the state of the environment in Israel. But even for us moms living inside the family bubble, there’s […]
Eco-friendly Eating: What You Eat and its Impact on the Planet
Every day and every meal, we make food choices. When we do, we invariably make an impact on the planet because different foods carry different environmental footprints. Below are a […]
What American Jews Can Do for Israel’s Democracy
By Mirele B. Goldsmith and David Krantz Just weeks ago, many American Jews were deeply upset by reports of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s last minute appeal to Jewish voters to come […]
Vote for Green Israel in the WZC Election before April 30th!
You can support the Israel you want to see. All American Jews can vote in the World Zionist Congress election going on right now. One of the most common questions, […]
Passover celebrates the exodus of the Jewish people from slavery to freedom. It is also rooted in the agricultural cycle of the year. Passover usually coincides with the beginning of spring. […]
Do we choose well? My personal campaign
I do not know exactly when my inner emotional life first became coupled with our national situation. It certainly wasn’t as a child or teenager – when I was completely […]
May I Have Your Vote for Green Israel?
By Mirele B. Goldsmith Over the past few weeks I’ve learned that politics is a tough business. As a candidate for the Green Israel slate, running for the World Zionist Congress, […]
Eco-Friendly Tips for Winter
As we head into the last month of winter, being mindful not to waste (the Jewish principle of baal tashchit) and to care for the Earth should still be on […]
Going Green for Valentine’s Day
If there is a special someone in your life, Valentine’s Day is a day when you probably feel compelled to celebrate and give a gift. At the same time, this […]
The Tu b’Shevat After
When you are a Jewish environmentalist taking a break from the Jewish environmental world, you sometimes feel like you’re in your own personal exile. It’s self-imposed, of course. I suspect that […]
Eden Village is hiring farm educator apprentices for 2015 growing season!
Eden Village Camp is Hiring! Submit Your Application About Eden Village Camp: Eden Village Camp aims to be a living model of a thriving, sustainable Jewish community, grounded in social […]
Press about Jewcology
- Jewcology: Rejuvenating ourselves and our planet (Jerusalem Post)
- New Jewish Environmental Network Receives Start-Up Grant (Jspace)
- A Look at Jewish Social Media (Ynet News)
- Jewcology: The Leading Edge of Jewish Environmentalism (Care2.com)
- Propelling Latin American ‘Jewish Spring’ (Ynetnews)
- Riveting (Environmental) Talks by Remarkable People (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Learning to Tell Stories: A Leadership Training for Jewish Environmentalists (Presentense)
- A Responsibility To Defend A Fragile & Glorious World: Judaism & The Environment (TreeHugger)
- Transforming the Jewish World (Atmosphere, El-Al’s in-flight Magazine)
- Web Sighting (Hadassah Magazine)
- It’s Easy Being Green, and Jewish… (Chicago Jewish News)
- Working to Raise Eco-Consciousness by Turning Screens Green (Philadelphia Jewish Exponent)
- Jewcology.com- A New Online Hub for Jewish Environmentalists (ShalomLife.com)
- Jewcology.com – New online home for Jewish farmers and environmentalists (CASFS Blog & Forum)
Celebrate Jewish women environmentalists on Tu B’Shevat (Jewish Women’s Archive)
Jewcology website off to fast start (Jerusalem Post)
הכדור בידיים שלנו (ifeel.co.il)
- Launching Jewcology.com (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Jewish Activism + Environmentalism = Jewcology (Arutz Sheva/Israel National News)
- A Green Jewish Portal (The New York Jewish Week)
- A Very Jewish Environment (Washington Jewish Week)
- Jewcology.com – New Online Home for Jewish Environmentalists (J of Northern California)
- Introducing Jewcology (Virtual Jerusalem)
- Ecology Activism and Jewish World (Ynet News)
- Jewcology Website Launches (Cleveland Jewish News)
- בחזרה לשורשים: האמונה הסביבתית של ברוך ראק (NRG.co.il)
- Canadian co-founds Jewish environmental web portal (Canadian Jewish News)
- Jewish Environmentalists Go Virtual: New “Jewcology” Site Fosters Worldwide Collaboration and Education (Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Blog)
- And don’t miss our feature on the ROI Community website