
What We Do

Half-day, full-day, or multi-day seminars are available. For pricing, please contact us. We offer the following programs: Israel’s Water Challenges- At the Sataf Spring Nature Reserve enter a hewn-out water […]

US Tour

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Elijah Interfaith Institute, aims to undertake a North American Speaking Tour on Interfaith Environmental Perspectives for late 2011 or early […]

UN Climate Summit

The Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change (www.interfaithdeclaration.org) is working to convene leading world religious leaders at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa in November, 2011. […]

Emerging Leaders Project

The Emerging Religious Leaders Sustainability Project brings together Muslim, Christian, and Jewish seminary students from Israel and the West Bank for a series of ten interactive seminars on human coexistence […]

About Our Organization

The Need for What We Do: Studies show that young people, and young Jews among them, are extremely concerned about environmental issues and the future of the planet. In an […]

Jewish Eco Seminars

* Jewish Eco Seminars engages and educates the Jewish community through inspiring programs linking Israel, the environment, and Jewish values. * In Israel, we provide experiential, guided programs in English, […]

The Interfaith Climate Change Forum

Shared Earth, Common Destiny: Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Leaders Speak Out on the Environment Interfaith Environmental Forum sees launch of Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development Jerusalem – July 25th, 2011: […]

Back from KAYAM

Back from The Farm Kayam Farm- the scene of "Planting Seeds: The First Jewish Early Childhood Conference." It was better than imagined. It was the participants willingness to "dig deeply" […]

It is revolution time

To those living in the world of social justice, the idea of a violent revolution seems repulsive. Taking the lives of many to improve the lives of others is oxymoronic, […]

The Mitzvah of Planting Trees

“Let no one ever cease from planting. Fields filled with trees greeted us at birth, and we should add to their number even in old age.” Midrash: Genesis 2:8 “The […]

How to Achieve Sustainability Through Local Community Action

Hello! My name is Rachel Berndtson and I am a doctoral student in the Department of Geography at the University of Maryland, completing my dissertation research is on the diffusion […]

Lessons for Israel from Ghana

SEFWI WIAWSO, Ghana — About six years ago the Ghanaian government brought a delegation of Jews from the Israeli town of Dimona to Accra, Ghana’s capital, to speak about the […]

What is ? Jewcology is a project of graduates of ROI (http://roicommunity.org), who have come together to create a resource for the entire Jewish-environmental community.  Jewcology incorporates collaboration from a wide range of Jewish environmental leaders and organizations worldwide.  This project was funded by the ROI Innovation Fund. The long-term goal of this project is to build a multi-denominational, multi-generational, regionally diverse community of Jewish environmental activists, who are learning from one another and from an expanding set of Jewish-environmental resources, how to educate their communities about our Jewish responsibility to protect the environment. We welcome sponsors, volunteers and collaboration!  To get involved, drop us a line: 

Press about Jewcology

Staffing and organizational support for this project is maintained by The Green Zionist Alliance.