Organizing a Tu b'Shevat Seder? Wishing for some beautiful haggadot to share with your community? Until Tuesday, January 11, Canfei Nesharim is offering up to 25 free haggadot for Tu […]
Post 02: Building a Movement from the Ground Up
This post is part of an ongoing discussion about involving young people in environmental activities. This post in the Building a Movement (BAM) series focuses on the idea of young […]
Get up to 25 Free Haggadot – Social Media Special!
Canfei Nesharim is offering up to 25 free haggadot for Tu b'Shevat 5771, in our social media special. Simply "like" Canfei Nesharim on facebook and post details of how many […]
Looking for a few good Jewish environmentalists…
The Jewcology video is almost ready (and looking great!), but we need just a couple more people to submit videos on a quick turnaround (videos need to be in by […]
Tu B’Shvat Seder
Wednesday, January 19 at 7:30 pm, at the JCC in Manhattan, sponsored by Hazon!
Honey From the Rock: The Torah’s Deep Ecology
Time is running out to avoid disaster. This is the refrain that emerges from even a cursory glance at the media’s portrayal of such pressing issues as global climate change, […]
An Unexpected Connection
What do Jerusalem and Charlottesville, Virginia have in common? Each has a highly successful pedestrian mall designed by Lawrence Halpin. Jerusalem has Rechov Ben-Yehudah (Ben Yehudah Street). Charlottesville has the […]
Advertise on Jewcology!
Would you like to advertise your products or organization on Jewcology? Please see our fee schedule attached.
Question of the Week #6
Rabbi Shawn Zevit, Director of Congregational Services, Outreach and Tikkun Olam at the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, asks Jewcology's 6th Question of the Week.
Environment Art Contest is teaming up with to spread the word about Jewish environmentalism. Teach your students what Judaism has to say about preserving our environment using the lesson plan provided, […]
Environmental Tip of the Week I just started this blog. When I headed the Environmental Club at Stern, I sent such tips by email weekly. Feel free to copy and use what I have […]
How to Organize a Successful Tu b’Shevat Seder
Tu b'Shevat is coming! This year it falls on January 19-20. In my role as executive director of Canfei Nesharim: Sustainable Living Inspired by Torah, I've been organizing and hosting […]
Press about Jewcology
- Jewcology: Rejuvenating ourselves and our planet (Jerusalem Post)
- New Jewish Environmental Network Receives Start-Up Grant (Jspace)
- A Look at Jewish Social Media (Ynet News)
- Jewcology: The Leading Edge of Jewish Environmentalism (
- Propelling Latin American ‘Jewish Spring’ (Ynetnews)
- Riveting (Environmental) Talks by Remarkable People (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Learning to Tell Stories: A Leadership Training for Jewish Environmentalists (Presentense)
- A Responsibility To Defend A Fragile & Glorious World: Judaism & The Environment (TreeHugger)
- Transforming the Jewish World (Atmosphere, El-Al’s in-flight Magazine)
- Web Sighting (Hadassah Magazine)
- It’s Easy Being Green, and Jewish… (Chicago Jewish News)
- Working to Raise Eco-Consciousness by Turning Screens Green (Philadelphia Jewish Exponent)
- A New Online Hub for Jewish Environmentalists (
- – New online home for Jewish farmers and environmentalists (CASFS Blog & Forum)
Celebrate Jewish women environmentalists on Tu B’Shevat (Jewish Women’s Archive)
Jewcology website off to fast start (Jerusalem Post)
הכדור בידיים שלנו (
- Launching (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Jewish Activism + Environmentalism = Jewcology (Arutz Sheva/Israel National News)
- A Green Jewish Portal (The New York Jewish Week)
- A Very Jewish Environment (Washington Jewish Week)
- – New Online Home for Jewish Environmentalists (J of Northern California)
- Introducing Jewcology (Virtual Jerusalem)
- Ecology Activism and Jewish World (Ynet News)
- Jewcology Website Launches (Cleveland Jewish News)
- בחזרה לשורשים: האמונה הסביבתית של ברוך ראק (
- Canadian co-founds Jewish environmental web portal (Canadian Jewish News)
- Jewish Environmentalists Go Virtual: New “Jewcology” Site Fosters Worldwide Collaboration and Education (Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Blog)
- And don’t miss our feature on the ROI Community website