
Earth Etude for Elul 11 – The Freedom of Dance; the Prayer of Protest

by Maggid David Arfa Shalom Shachna, the son of Holy Angel, the grandson of the Maggid of Mezeritch, learned to dance from the Shpoler Zeide.  For the rest of his […]

Yom Kippur and Vegetarianism

There are many connections that can be made between the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur and vegetarianism 1. On Yom Kippur, Jews pray to the “Living God,” the “King Who […]

Rosh Hashanah and Vegetarianism

Rosh Hashanah is the time when Jews take stock of their lives and consider new beginnings. Perhaps the most significant and meaningful change that Jews should consider this year is […]

Rabbinical School of Hebrew College Issues Environmental Call To Action

In the fight to secure the planet’s future, the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College is beckoning the past for inspiration. And it’s urging others to do the same. Leaders of […]

Earth Etude for Elul 10 – Guatemalen Etudes for the Earth

by Rabbi Margaret Frisch Klein An etude is a song, a song of praise. This summer I spent time bouncing on a bus as part of American Jewish World Service’s […]

Earth Etude for Elul 9 – Weeds and Debris

by Maxine Lyons I started to think about teshuvah and Rosh Hashana early this summer while cleaning out my flowerbeds of weeds and debris. I noticed the different roots in […]

My foreword for Rabbi Yonassan Gershom’s Book, “Kapporus Then and Now: Toward a More Compassionate Tradition”

Kol hakavod (kudos) to Rabbi Yonassan Gershom for writing this splendid, much needed book, arguing that Jews should practice the ritual of Kapporos using money rather than chickens. He is […]

Dvar Torah for Parsha Ki Teitzei: Can Compassion to a Bird Help Bring Moshiach?

If you come across a bird’s nest on any tree or on the ground, and it contains baby birds or eggs, then, if the mother is sitting on the chicks […]

Earth Etude for Elul 8 – Creativity and Teshuvah

by Rabbi Katy Z. Allen Creation. Whether you consider it to warrant a capital C or simply a lower case c, the word expresses how the Universe began. The act of creation holds within […]

Earth Etude for Elul 7 – Covenant and Community

by Rabbi Katy Z. Allen  I’ve been thinking a lot lately about community and covenant.  Rabbi Avi Olitzky defines community as “a circle to which you feel you belong that […]

Earth Etude for Elul 6 – Bringing Truth to Power on Yom Kippur

by Hattie Nestel To bring truth to power on any day is always rewarding, but to bring truth to power on Yom Kippur acquires even deeper meaning. The first I […]

Earth Etude for Elul 5 – Dandelions and Teshuvah

By Thea Iberall, Ph.D. As an act of service, I take care of the lawn and gardens at my local Unitarian Universalist Church. The first time I mowed the lawn, I […]

What is ? Jewcology is a project of graduates of ROI (http://roicommunity.org), who have come together to create a resource for the entire Jewish-environmental community.  Jewcology incorporates collaboration from a wide range of Jewish environmental leaders and organizations worldwide.  This project was funded by the ROI Innovation Fund. The long-term goal of this project is to build a multi-denominational, multi-generational, regionally diverse community of Jewish environmental activists, who are learning from one another and from an expanding set of Jewish-environmental resources, how to educate their communities about our Jewish responsibility to protect the environment. We welcome sponsors, volunteers and collaboration!  To get involved, drop us a line: 

Press about Jewcology

Staffing and organizational support for this project is maintained by The Green Zionist Alliance.