
Give a Chanukah Present to Jewcology!

It's been a big year for Jewcology. Specifically, it’s been a Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment, with new learning materials released on a wide range of Jewish environmental […]

Pearlstone Center: Connecting Judaism and Agriculture

On November 11th, 2012 Pearlstone was blessed with the opportunity to host a group of 3rd-6th grade religious school students from Temple Beth Ami in Rockville, MD. Our experienced and […]

Extend the Production Tax Credit Now!

Take Action! The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC) are joining together to demonstrate the Jewish community’s support for […]

The Tevet Solstice: Interfaith Understanding and the Holiday Season

Post by Jewish Farm School Rabbinic Intern, Josh Boydstun – Reposted from Jewish Farmer's Almanac As Chanukah draws to a close, we enter the month of Tevet (December 13, 2012-January […]

Urban Agriculture and Bringing Food Closer to Home

A trip to the supermarket or shuk is usually started by a stroll down the fruit and vegetable aisles. These are also the most impressive rows studded with colors and […]

Celebrating Miracles: A Chanukah Message

Celebrating Miracles: A Chanukah Message Daniel Brook, Ph.D. & Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D. [A longer version of this article can be found in the holidays’ section at JewishVeg.com/schwartz] Chanukah commemorates […]

FeastForward.org Releases a New Video with Sandor Katz

FeastFoward.org, an online web based video series powered by Jewish Farm School, released a new video today featuring fermentation revivalist Sandor Katz. Sandor shares his recipe for perfect sauerkraut, the […]

Webinar on December 19: Take Action on Energy Post-Election

COEJL's JEWISH ENERGY NETWORK Webinar – Take Action on Energy Post-Election Wednesday, December 19 at 2:30 pm EST Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/667314846 Learn about the environmental and […]

Reflections Before the Hazon Food Conference

We are getting ready to attend the Hazon Food Conference, which has brought about a bit of a reflection. I've been thinking this past fall, as we investigate our institutional […]

Green Gifting (for Hanukkah)

In a prior Planet Jewish blog we provided you with suggestions for making your Hanukkah celebration more eco-friendly. In the spirit of reducing waste (baal tashchit) and tilling and tending […]

New Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment Materials Released!

The fifteenth topic in the Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment, Toward a Wiser Use of Energy released! One of the most significant sustainability challenges of our time is […]

Coming to the End of My Generational Box

Dear Jewcology community, So, tomorrow is my birthday. I'm turning 36! I've been having a lot of trepidation about this. A lot of my identity has been tied up in […]

What is ? Jewcology is a project of graduates of ROI (http://roicommunity.org), who have come together to create a resource for the entire Jewish-environmental community.  Jewcology incorporates collaboration from a wide range of Jewish environmental leaders and organizations worldwide.  This project was funded by the ROI Innovation Fund. The long-term goal of this project is to build a multi-denominational, multi-generational, regionally diverse community of Jewish environmental activists, who are learning from one another and from an expanding set of Jewish-environmental resources, how to educate their communities about our Jewish responsibility to protect the environment. We welcome sponsors, volunteers and collaboration!  To get involved, drop us a line: 

Press about Jewcology

Staffing and organizational support for this project is maintained by The Green Zionist Alliance.