Turbulence Within and Without by Rabbi David Seidenberg Rabbi Nachman of Breslow taught: The divine name “YOU” (in Hebrew “Atah“) is propitious over the sea to calm the waves. This […]
Is Eating Meat and Other Animal Products Halachically Justifiable Today?
Based on increasingly dire warnings from climate experts and a significant increase in the frequency and severity of climate events, it is clear that the world faces great danger from […]
Earth Etude for Elul 20
Healing the Soil, Healing the Soul by Rabbi Robin Damsky ~ I live a life of privilege. From being a single mother, I have a student loan debt for myself […]
Earth Etude for Elul 19
A New Way to Do Teshuvah by Maxine Lyons ~Doing teshuvah means to me being responsible for turning toward my better or higher self to improve personal relationships and as well as […]
Earth Etude for Elul 18
Selichot [forgiveness] by De Fischler Herman ~What is the color of forgiveness? Is it pink, delicate as the bloom of a Peace rose? Is it green, refreshing like the mist […]
Earth Etude for Elul 17
On Green Burials by Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin ~For seventy years this earth has cared for me. It has sustained my body with gifts from its own; given me firm […]
Earth Etude for Elul 16
Learning Turning from the World of Plants by Nina Judith Katz ~I like to spend time playing with plants, both in the woods and in the garden. There is something […]
Earth Etude for Elul 15
Embracing Change or the Muck at the Bottom of the Pond by Rabbi Judy Kummer ~Change doesn’t come easy for most of us. Many know the joke about the Buddhist […]
Earth Etude for Elul 14
For Gentle Change by Rabbi Ora Nitkin-Kaner The term ‘climate change’ can feel overly vague in part because of the ambiguity of the word ‘change.’ Change can come quickly or […]
Earth Etude for Elul 13
Skit: Can Humans Be a Blessing? by Bill Witherspoon Historical note: The Green Team at Congregation Bet Haverim, Atlanta created a lay-led service on July 15, 2022, called “Blessings on […]
Earth Etude for Elul 12
Growth and Re-Growth by Rabbi Shahar Colt ~I used to work in a building next to what appeared to be an abandoned parking lot. Mostly it was a sheet of […]
Earth Etude for Elul 11
50 Years Later, the Work Continues by Rabbi Susan Elkodsi ~When I was in junior high, I was in the Environment Club, and one of our activities was a monthly […]
Press about Jewcology
- Jewcology: Rejuvenating ourselves and our planet (Jerusalem Post)
- New Jewish Environmental Network Receives Start-Up Grant (Jspace)
- A Look at Jewish Social Media (Ynet News)
- Jewcology: The Leading Edge of Jewish Environmentalism (Care2.com)
- Propelling Latin American ‘Jewish Spring’ (Ynetnews)
- Riveting (Environmental) Talks by Remarkable People (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Learning to Tell Stories: A Leadership Training for Jewish Environmentalists (Presentense)
- A Responsibility To Defend A Fragile & Glorious World: Judaism & The Environment (TreeHugger)
- Transforming the Jewish World (Atmosphere, El-Al’s in-flight Magazine)
- Web Sighting (Hadassah Magazine)
- It’s Easy Being Green, and Jewish… (Chicago Jewish News)
- Working to Raise Eco-Consciousness by Turning Screens Green (Philadelphia Jewish Exponent)
- Jewcology.com- A New Online Hub for Jewish Environmentalists (ShalomLife.com)
- Jewcology.com – New online home for Jewish farmers and environmentalists (CASFS Blog & Forum)
Celebrate Jewish women environmentalists on Tu B’Shevat (Jewish Women’s Archive)
Jewcology website off to fast start (Jerusalem Post)
הכדור בידיים שלנו (ifeel.co.il)
- Launching Jewcology.com (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Jewish Activism + Environmentalism = Jewcology (Arutz Sheva/Israel National News)
- A Green Jewish Portal (The New York Jewish Week)
- A Very Jewish Environment (Washington Jewish Week)
- Jewcology.com – New Online Home for Jewish Environmentalists (J of Northern California)
- Introducing Jewcology (Virtual Jerusalem)
- Ecology Activism and Jewish World (Ynet News)
- Jewcology Website Launches (Cleveland Jewish News)
- בחזרה לשורשים: האמונה הסביבתית של ברוך ראק (NRG.co.il)
- Canadian co-founds Jewish environmental web portal (Canadian Jewish News)
- Jewish Environmentalists Go Virtual: New “Jewcology” Site Fosters Worldwide Collaboration and Education (Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Blog)
- And don’t miss our feature on the ROI Community website