Summary: The clash of rich versus poor is a concept going back to Talmudic times, but today it takes a new meaning in reference to the environment. Rabbi Jill Jacobs […]
Beyond the Letter of the Law: Jewish Ethical Investing in the Light of Climate Change
Responding to a Dangerous Impasse on Climate Change Climate change resulting from the use of fossil fuels poses a well-documented, grave threat to humanity and the ecosystems that support life. […]
Jewish Energy Guide: Repair the World’s Climate by Bill McKibben
Summary: For Bill McKibben, climate change is not only a practical problem but an ethical one. With its distinct moral legacy, the renowned environmental activist and founder of believes […]
Do Torah Teachings Justify Animal Exploitation?
DO TORAH TEACHINGS JUSTIFY ANIMAL EXPLOITATION? Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D. Many apologists for the exploitation of animals seek justification in scripture, but their presumption is largely due to the misunderstanding […]
Jewish Energy Guide: The Jewish Greening Fellowship
Summary: Dr. Mirele Goldsmith explains the background, purpose, and stunning accomplishments of the first cohort group of the Jewish Greening Fellowship, a campaign of the UJA-Federation of New York to […]
Partners with G-d: Perfection through Action
The Rambam (Maimonides) suggests that our character is not fixed, but that our actions shape our character. We have free will, and we choose what activities and actions we take. […]
Join the 2013 Battle of the Buildings with ENERGY STAR!
Did you know? According to ENERGY STAR (, most congregations can cut energy costs by up to 30% by investing strategically in efficient equipment, facility upgrades and maintenance. It's the […]
The Pearlstone Apprenticeship Experience
The opportunity to live and work in an immersive Jewish community first drew me to the Pearlstone Center in the winter of 2012. When a few months later conversation about […]
Exponential Amounts of Newness
Blog post and photos by Avi Katzman, Farm Educator Apprentice ————————————————————— As a “still-feeling-semi-new” Farm Educator Apprentice here at Eden Village, I feel I’ve been learning exponential amounts of new. […]
Jewish Energy Guide: Making your Synagogue a Green Holy Place
By Rabbi Lawrence Troster Summary: Synagogues are important community spaces, but also important spaces for demonstrating a commitment to environmental values. Rabbi Lawrence Troster, the rabbinic director at J Street, […]
A Business School Response to Shelly Morhaim’s movie “The Next Industrial Revolution”
The Next Industrial Revolution William McDonough – A Voice Crying in the Wilderness Left-wing organizations such as Greenpeace use non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and advocate for […]
Spreading Our Roots on Shavuot
Blog post by Joshua Boydstun, Jewish Farm School Rabbinic Intern ———————————————————– As a rabbinical student, I spend a lot of time thinking and talking about metaphorical “roots”: What is “the […]
Press about Jewcology
- Jewcology: Rejuvenating ourselves and our planet (Jerusalem Post)
- New Jewish Environmental Network Receives Start-Up Grant (Jspace)
- A Look at Jewish Social Media (Ynet News)
- Jewcology: The Leading Edge of Jewish Environmentalism (
- Propelling Latin American ‘Jewish Spring’ (Ynetnews)
- Riveting (Environmental) Talks by Remarkable People (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Learning to Tell Stories: A Leadership Training for Jewish Environmentalists (Presentense)
- A Responsibility To Defend A Fragile & Glorious World: Judaism & The Environment (TreeHugger)
- Transforming the Jewish World (Atmosphere, El-Al’s in-flight Magazine)
- Web Sighting (Hadassah Magazine)
- It’s Easy Being Green, and Jewish… (Chicago Jewish News)
- Working to Raise Eco-Consciousness by Turning Screens Green (Philadelphia Jewish Exponent)
- A New Online Hub for Jewish Environmentalists (
- – New online home for Jewish farmers and environmentalists (CASFS Blog & Forum)
Celebrate Jewish women environmentalists on Tu B’Shevat (Jewish Women’s Archive)
Jewcology website off to fast start (Jerusalem Post)
הכדור בידיים שלנו (
- Launching (EJewish Philanthropy)
- Jewish Activism + Environmentalism = Jewcology (Arutz Sheva/Israel National News)
- A Green Jewish Portal (The New York Jewish Week)
- A Very Jewish Environment (Washington Jewish Week)
- – New Online Home for Jewish Environmentalists (J of Northern California)
- Introducing Jewcology (Virtual Jerusalem)
- Ecology Activism and Jewish World (Ynet News)
- Jewcology Website Launches (Cleveland Jewish News)
- בחזרה לשורשים: האמונה הסביבתית של ברוך ראק (
- Canadian co-founds Jewish environmental web portal (Canadian Jewish News)
- Jewish Environmentalists Go Virtual: New “Jewcology” Site Fosters Worldwide Collaboration and Education (Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Blog)
- And don’t miss our feature on the ROI Community website