
Day 27: Yesod b’Netzach

YESOD and NETZACH Enduring Connections I. A meteorite from the vicinity of Mars heads in our direction and enters Earth’s atmosphere. The meteorite is carrying organic compounds picked up on […]

Hod b’Netzach

HOD and NETZACH Enduring Glory We go about our earthly business, Concern ourselves with right and wrong; We love our neighbors as best we can And do our best to […]

Netzach b’Netzach

NETZACH and NETZACH Sun Be the sun, shine Exude heat Warm those nearby Draw people to your hearth Offer safety and offer life Emit light So others may find knowledge […]

Day 24: Tifereth b’Netzach

TIFERETH and NETZACH Beauty Perceived and Lasting Many blessings are given It is said To those who follow the Law Who navigate life By Judaism’s guideposts Intending to do right […]

Day 23: Gevurah b’Netzach

GEVURAH and NETZACH Heroism That Perseveres A dictionary of modern Hebrew translates gevurah as “heroism, strength, or heroic act”. Ask any marathon runner, or indeed anyone from Greater Boston, about […]

Day 22: Chesed b’Netzach

This week, we dip into poetry for the week of Netzach, the Divine attribute of endurance, perseverance, and fortitude. This week's reflections were written by Lois Rosenthal, a member of […]

Day 21: Week 3, Day 7 of the Omer – Malchut of Tiferet

by Rabbi Robin Damsky The ultimate expression of Tiferet; Malchut of Tiferet, is the nobility of compassion. Words like sovereignty, dignity, enhancing status and boosting up – like Brendan Graham’s […]

Get Your Hands Dirty at the Nevatim-Sprouts Conference!

Nature-Based Workshops for Educators in Jewish Preschools, Day Schools and Synagogues Reisterstown, MD – May 5, 2014 — Pearlstone Center is holding its 4th annual Nevatim-Sprouts Conference, Sunday, July 13th […]

Day 20: Week 3, Day 6 of the Omer – Yesod of Tiferet

The foundation of compassion by Rabbi Robin Damsky Did you ever notice how you walk differently on the beach or the forest than you do in the city? By the […]

Day 19: Week 3, Day 5 of the Omer – Hod of Tiferet

How do we find and maintain humility in our compassion? by Rabbi Robin Damsky   Nature is an abundant force. Those who swim the ocean know just how powerful an […]

Day 18: Week 3, Day 4 of the Omer – Netzach of Tiferet

Endurance in Compassion: Rabbi Simon Jacobson asks: “Is my compassion enduring and consistent?” by Rabbi Robin Damsky When we sit down to a meal, do we think about where the […]

Day 17: Week 3, Day 3 of the Omer – Tiferet of Tiferet

Could there be anything more harmonious, anything more joyful, than the compassion of compassion? This is Tiferet of Tiferet. by Rabbi Robin Damsky The truest compassion has no limits. It […]

What is ? Jewcology is a project of graduates of ROI (http://roicommunity.org), who have come together to create a resource for the entire Jewish-environmental community.  Jewcology incorporates collaboration from a wide range of Jewish environmental leaders and organizations worldwide.  This project was funded by the ROI Innovation Fund. The long-term goal of this project is to build a multi-denominational, multi-generational, regionally diverse community of Jewish environmental activists, who are learning from one another and from an expanding set of Jewish-environmental resources, how to educate their communities about our Jewish responsibility to protect the environment. We welcome sponsors, volunteers and collaboration!  To get involved, drop us a line: 

Press about Jewcology

Staffing and organizational support for this project is maintained by The Green Zionist Alliance.